Thursday, December 21, 2006

I have decided to post this chapter even though it is rather short, although all of my chapters are short, I was goign to write more but then I decided I would post this so that everyone will have somethign to read while I continue writing. Anyways, you probably do not care about that, here is the longawaited Chapter Ten:
Chapter Ten
Kaleigh never felt particularly skilled in art. She appreciated the work that others did, and she could picture what beautiful creations she would like to make. Nonetheless, when she tried to produce the masterpiece that she envisioned it would become distorted and not at all like her original idea.

Kaleigh walked into class hopeful that she would gain from the professor’s knowledge and perhaps create something to be proud of; this was a hope in vain. When Kaleigh approached her teacher she was informed that there would be no direction in the class. The students were to create whatever popped into their head; the teacher provided the tools necessary to create, nothing more, and nothing less. Kaleigh slumped down in an empty seat and sighed as her eyes scanned the room. There were shelves lining the walls, each one full of supplies. Tables were arranged haphazardly around the room, and famous works of art occupied every inch of the walls that were not already covered by shelves.

Kaleigh sauntered over to one of the many shelves and perused the contents. Feeling that her time could probably be better spent, but not wishing to be disobedient Kaleigh picked up a box labeled ‘Thread’. Kaleigh brought the box back to her table and opened it curiously. Inside the boxes there were many spools of thread. There were some deep jewel tone colors, and some light vibrant colors; but they were all beautiful.

Suddenly Kaleigh had an idea. The vision of her mother filled her head. One time when Kaleigh had been very sick Alexa came home from work early and she brought 5 roses with her. Each rose was a different color; they were white, yellow, pink, peach, and red. Roses had always been both of their favorites and Kaleigh knew that each flower had a different meaning. Alexa gave Kaleigh a card that told the meaning of each color. She had long since memorized the card:

Rose Significance
White: Innocence
Yellow: Joy, Friendship
Pink: Sweetness, Happiness
Peach: Appreciation
Red: Love, Beauty, and Enchantment

Inspiration at hand Kaleigh set off on her project. She walked swiftly to the shelf that she had found the thread and she searched the shelves. Finding the box that she wanted she pulled it off the shelf and opened it. Inside the box Kaleigh found several bolts of white fabric. Kaleigh took some of the fabric to her table and then stared at it. At that moment Kaleigh’s inept artistic abilities came back to her and she realized the near impossible task that she had set herself up for. Kaleigh sighed audibly and slumped back down in her chair. At that moment the teacher came out and told everyone to clean up what they had been working on and to head to Lunch. Kaleigh scooped up the fabric and the colored threads and brought them to a cubby that had been assigned to her; she stored the items neatly and ambled towards the cafeteria.
I may add on to this chapter later, in which case I will mark it as Chapter Ten part Two. In any case what do you think?
~To the world she is ordinary in truth she is extraordinary~

1 comment:

Lexi Elizabeth said...

something to be proud of
should be "something of which to be proud" (i know it sounds horrible, but it's correct)

i like how she's finally not good at something. because it seems like she was this perfect little girl who could sing beautifully, who was super nice, and who was, well, perfect.

i know she lost her mother, which makes her not perfect obviously, but it's good to have something that isn't perfect that wasn't affected by her mother. does that make sense?